Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Humble Arts

Check out my photograph in the Humble Arts Group show:


There's the link.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Website

So I started a new website for myself today. Here is the home page. Nothing is loaded yet and it will take me a little bit of time to develop it, but I'm excited and i thought i would share my excitement.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Artist Portraits

Just started this project. I'm shooting portrait's of fellow artist's at my college. Here is the first shoot of this on going project. Please give me any feedback that you want. Thank you.

Monday, October 13, 2008


These are a two images from a very personal series. I took these in my Grandmother's house the day of her funeral. It was the most painful and fulfilling photographic projects that I have ever done. This project was something that I had to do for myself, it was my way of grieving. I also think the images are very aesthetically pleasing.


Two shots from my trip to Assateague, beautiful lighting at dusk and dawn.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Some old images from Pisa Italy. i like the emptiness in both of these frames. I think they work together nicely.

Brooklyn, NY

Here's some work from BROOKLYN, NY. Shot these this summer, i'm happy with them and like where they're going. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

It has been a while

Hey I have not posted in way to long. Here are some old images, and i'm going to get back in the habit of posting my work. I'm also developing a website so look for that in the near future.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Never Put Your Film Through An X-Ray Machine

So I shot about 14 rolls when I first got to Italy, and was so excited about these. I sent them out and the first few came back with these weird light leaks on them. I was positive that the lab was fudging them up. After many rolls came back with the same fogging, I knew what it was. The airpot, don't trust them, they ruin film. Here is what it looks like on a color print.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Church

Two shots from a local church. I got kicked out shortly after I took these. I really need to sneek back into the church and take some more photographs. The lighting is superb and the space is a very strange environment.

Texture 2


So I assigned myself a little project, on our saturday trip to Bevagna and Toriana. I'm really drawn to all the colors of the walls, and the textures. The old paint that chips off to reveal a centuries old plaster underneath. The light that is cast upon these surfaces fasinates me, it's so distinct to this area of the world. These images will take up two posts so bare with me.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


A quick portrait study of Franco, a local bar owner.

Monday, March 3, 2008

My other paradise

So I have been telling you all that Cortona is paradise on earth. Well here is my other Paradise...

Night Cap

The best way to finish off a full Italian meal is with a Cappuccino, and there is no better place to get this coffee fix then Enrico's Bar in Cortona. This is my favorite bar here, it's a local spot where people sip there drinks for hours. They have a foosball table as well as a pinball machine. Although the opening shot of this series is from a different bar, I really liked it and tought it was fitting.

Pipe Dreams

So my friend Warren bought a pipe. It's very suiting, and he smokes it with much pride. Not to many people can pull of smoking a pipe, however Warren makes it look easy. This is just a small grouping of a much larger series, of Warren and his pipe. Simplicity.

Ballet 2

So here are some wider shots of the stage. There is a clear influence from Hiroshi Sugimoto, one of my favorite contemporary photographers. I really like how these images have turned out. These photographs play off the concept of capturing a 5 minute time period in one still image. Although Sugimoto captured a whole entire film in one image, I worked with what I could get. Hey thank you all for taking the time to look at my blog, thanks for the support, it means a lot to me.

Ballet 1

I had not been to a Ballet since I saw the nutcracker, as a wee little 7 year old. Needless to say it was fantastic. This particular Ballet was a tribute to Fred Astaire. Who was a very famous American film and stage dancer, as well as a choreographer, singer, and actor. My friends reserved me the best seat in the house, thanks friends. Front and Center in a second floor booth, just like the one Lincoln got assassinated in, although I believe his was stage right. I set up the digital SLR and put on the 70-200 telephoto lens. I got these nice long exposures of the dancers moving across the stage. Here are just a few of the photographs I was able to get.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Scans

So these are a few of my first film scans. I'm really excited about these, I'm trying to create a visual trip journal. So these images are not ment to be a solid narrative, but rather a link of visual tme periods between days. Let me know how these are working, and I plan to keep posting images in this format.