Friday, July 3, 2009

The Last Prophet

Ras Ela Jah will introduce himself as the Last Prophet. He believes he is the keeper of the Caribbean bible, which he has taken upon himself to write. While in jail he spent months writing, filling up marble notebooks with his religious beliefs. A firm believer that Moses was the saviour, and that everyone must be circumcised (male and female) in order to be saved. He lives a simple life in a clapboard house. He has planted a garden in front where he grows corn, peas, and beans which he believes are his sacrifices to Jehovah Haile Selassie along with herb (pot). He can be difficult to understand since he speaks with a deep voice and often times in fragmented thoughts and sentences.

His home is surrounded by a gate made from found materials, a piece of wood, tin sheeting, barb wire, and other pieces of construction. The fence seems to match his home, which is also a collection of found boards, or metal. He has written many commandments on his house or on clothe which he has then fastened to the exterior walls. One of the writings or prophecies reads, "The lord Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron if any one notices a swelling in his skin or a scab or boil or pimple with transparent skin Leprosy is to be suspected and so effective he must be brought to The Bequia Priest Ras Eli Jah." Ras sits outside his home during the day smoking a/many large joints and exchanging ideas and thoughts about religion with his friends and any one who might want to join in.

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